Monday, November 19, 2012

Personalize a Client's Experience at your Agency

Videos have become part of main stream America, just Google Tobuscus or Justin Bieber to see the influence of YouTube on their careers. Any Linkster or Y generation kid will know who you are talking about. So what does this have to do with social work? Here is opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity is to identify and develop client specific content. The challenge is to take the next step of creating your own educational videos to address your populations. Video recorders are available for a minimum amount of money or can be obtained on e-bay for even less. Windows 8 comes with free video editing software to make it easy to deliver your educational message. It is easier than you may think...

Links to examples of client specific videos:

Personal Grooming

How to Interview for a Job : Skills Assessment for a Job Interview 

Social Skills for Life: Managing Strong Emotions

Link to Article: 

How to Craft the Perfect Instructional Video for Social Media 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Times they are a changing....

As a manager of a non-profit, I remember hoping to find a volunteer who could help us create a website or knew how to create an Access database to store our statistics for grants. Free of charge of course. Now, instead of saving our money for another grant writer or fundraiser, non-profits are needing social media managers. A few years ago I would have questioned the sanity of this position. The current state of technology allows creative methods to fundraising leading to help non-profits during difficult financial times. This position should have an understanding of non-profits, but most importantly not be a social service provider. A social media position is a specialty, just as social work. Investing in the right person may make or break funding for years in your organizations future.

Link to Article:

11 Qualities of a social media manager

Friday, November 9, 2012

I can't find a book I will make one!

Therapy with children is a chance for a virtual creative Waterloo. Trying to locate a book for my specific child client about their specific issue is sometimes a nightmare. These specific apps for the iPad can transform a therapeutic practice with children in two ways. First, as a therapist, I can create my own books specific to the issues I see most often in my practice. I can base the books on evidence based practice and research on the topic made into kid friendly books. The second way to integrate this app is to have the children develop their own book on the topic. They can choose the characters and the lessons for them to learn. Today's digitally savvy kids will be engaged at a whole new level!
             Visualize                                      Puppet Pals                              Toontastic

Link to Resource:

Digital Storytelling Apps

Using the Computer:

My Story Telling

Lego Comic Builder

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gen Y Social Workers

Generation Y or "Digital Natives" have known nothing other than a life of instant communication or information at their fingertips. This generation will be heralding integrating technology into their social work practice without the blink of an eye while their mentors and educators struggle with the functions of e-mail or texting.
  •  93% of teens ages 12-17 go online, as do 93% of young adults ages 18-29.
  • 75% of Gen Y have created a profile on a social networking site.
  • 1 in every 5 Gen Y have posted a video of themselves online.
  •  41% of Gen Y use only a cell phone and have no landline.
  • Over half of YouTube’s users are under 20 years old.
  • 53% of the total blogging population is 21-35 years old.
 If you are from the silent generation, a baby boomer or from generation X how many of the above statistics apply to you? As a social worker from generation X, I applaud you if you find this blog. How do you teach the foundations of social work with the emerging Web 2.0 needed to function in society? There is no population social work touches that cannot benefit from some type of technology. It is only our biases holding the profession down.

 Links to Websites:

  Pew Research Center 2010 report, Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next 
  YouTube via Danny Brown 
  Sysomos 2010 report via Mashable

 Schembri, A. M. (2008). Australian Social Work, 61(2), 119-123. doi:10.1080/03124070801998376

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Whole New World for School Social Workers

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is an initiative of the Office of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education. This initiative offers assistance to build information and technical assistance to identify adapt and sustain effective disciplinary practices within the school system. There are three prevention tiers providing evidence based interventions for students. If you are in school social work you already know this. These are two websites developed for PBIS, Technical Assistance Center for PBIS, to use as a tool for education of others at schools using interventions and PBIS World. The Technical Assistance Center for PBIS offers videos, research based evidence, state resources, and training on the functions of PBIS. PBIS World gives support to not only social workers but other school system personnel needing information on behaviors and prevention tiers. An easy to access database is just a click away from identifying behavior, choosing an intervention, and using data tracking forms for outcomes.
Links to Website:

 TA Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

PBIS World